Justice of The Peace
A Justice of the Peace is available in the Havelock North Library most Saturdays 10am-12noon. (They will be on a break over the Christmas-New Year weeks). Having a JP helping you is entirely free of...
View ArticleIntroduction to Bookbinding Evening Classes
A series of six weekly evening classes to learn about techniques, equipment and basic bookbinding structures. If you've ever been curious about how to make a book, this is the place to start. Six...
View ArticleIntroduction to Printmaking Evening Classes
A series of six weekly evening classes to learn various printmaking techniques including woodcuts, dry point etching, stencils and offset printing. Learn everything you need to get started including...
View ArticleSurface Stitchery Evening Classes
A series of six weekly evening classes to learn embroidery skills and stitches starting with a surface-stitched sampler and moving on to a crewel-work project. Held in the cottage in the beautiful...
View ArticleLandscape Painting Evening Classes
A series of six weekly evening classes focusing primarily on landscape and using your own chosen visual references - drawings, photographs or imagination. You'll be guided through a series of...
View ArticleKnitting for Beginners Evening Classes
A series of six weekly evening classes to learn to knit the basic stitches, starting with a small project and a further project of your choice in consultation with the tutor. Held in the cottage in the...
View ArticlePeak Epigenetics Info Evening
Wouldn’t it be Great if your body came with a User Manual? Which foods should you eat, and which ones should you avoid? When, and how often should you be eating? What type of exercise does your body...
View ArticleWhy Help? Why Not?
Peter Edmead will address the topic Why help? Why not? All welcome. Peter started his working career as a consultant engineer on projects like the Thames Barrier project and the construction of Jeddah...
View ArticleInna Segal - Awaken the Healer Within Workshop
Awaken the healer within. Discover how your life reflects the wellbeing of your body and your body reflects the state of your life. Understand what is the difference between the soul and the spirit and...
View ArticleSinging Crystal Bowls with Rob Clemens
Lie down, Bliss out, Float away... To the quietness and connectedness of meditation, contemplation, breathwork, voice-activated mindscapes that is Rob's specialty when he plays his singing crystal...
View ArticleMozzarella, Feta and Haloumi Cheese Making Workshop
In this three-hour long workshop, you will learn how to make halloumi, feta, and mozzarella. You will be taught by Chris Van Der Have and Pauline Korevaar of Farmhouse Kitchen. All equipment and...
View ArticleArty Animals Art Workshop
An animal themed art workshop for animal lovers. Try out fun drawing ideas and design your own animal artwork using ink and watercolour. Separate workshops for ages 5-7 yrs and ages 8 - 11 yrs....
View ArticleCreatures of the Deep - Art workshop
Dive down to the depths of the ocean and take a look around in this ocean themed workshop. Use drawing and watercolour to create wishy, washy underwater worlds. Separate workshops for ages 5-7 yrs and...
View ArticleOuter Space Art Workshop
Welcome to Outer Space! Use fun art techniques to create galaxies and planets and draw weird and wonderful creatures to inhabit them! Two separate workshop spaces for ages 5 - 7 yrs and 8 - 11yrs. All...
View ArticleArt for Beginners
Art for Beginners 8 weeks of classes Wednesdays 21 October - 9th December: Come and have a go, explore the world of colour and form, and discover your artist within. Make your first steps or grow your...
View ArticleYouthful, Fresh, Fabulous | Makeup Coaching Workshop
ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT! Harness the power of your makeup. This fully practical, interactive workshop will teach you how to create an everyday fresh, radiant and age-appropriate flawless makeup look...
View ArticleSourdough Breadmaking Workshop
In this workshop you will learn how to create, feed and care for your own everlasting rye sourdough starter, and from this to make fresh sourdough breads: Fresh baked slow fermented sourdough bread,...
View ArticleReady2Rock Preschool Active Movement Session
Ready2Rock is a free community active movement class for children 0-6yrs funded by the Ministry if Education and facilitated by Rockmybaby. This is a popular session with our educators and families but...
View ArticleTeen Queens | Makeup Coaching Workshop
LIMITED TICKETS! THIS EVENT WILL SELL OUT! Finally a makeup coaching workshop for the teens! Ladies, this fully practical, interactive workshop will teach you all the fundamental basics about makeup...
View ArticleYouthful, Fresh, Fabulous | Makeup Coaching Workshop
Our second round of Youthful, Fresh, Fabulous, after a sold out first class! Harness the power of your makeup. This fully practical, interactive workshop will teach you how to create an everyday fresh,...
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